Monday, July 18, 2011

The Art of Preparing Mac n Cheese and Other Thoughts

In two weeks, I move back to Loveland.  There are several reasons I am excited to be back in my hometown.  Here they are:

  • I get to live with my sister's family.  I will love being so close to my two nieces, getting to know my sister and her husband better, and being so close to family.
  • I will be closer to work, therefore, less money wasted on gas. 
  • I will be going to the young single adults ward, which is smaller than the one in Fort Collins, but that might be better since I am a little shy at first.
  • Generally, just a good chance to save money.

However, I am sad to leave Fort Collins.  Here is why:

  • I love Fort Collins as a town.  
  • I am going to miss my roommates A LOT!  We pinkie promised each other that we would get together at least once a week.  We did not know each other at all before moving in, so it is a miracle that we all get along so well.  
  • Fort Collins has a ton of places to get cheap but delicious frozen yogurt.  
My roommates have taught me the fine art of preparing mac n cheese.  You can laugh and wonder how hard can it really be to just follow the directions on the box, but putting a little extra time and ingredients into it, makes a $0.69 box of mac n cheese taste like a $10 meal. 

1.  Don't be afraid to try different brands and flavors.  A box is no more than a dollar, so you can afford to experiment.  In La Casa de los Zorros (my house) we like Kroger Three Cheese.  I used to hear from different sources (coughmikecough) that buying store brand mac n cheese was a big mistake.  It isn't.  It tastes just the same, if not better, because it's cheaper and comes in a variety of flavors.    

2.  A lot of people think that milk is the important part.  Wrong.  Butter (or margarine) is the important part.  Don't skimp on the butter.  

3.  Sprinkle (or cover, in my case) the top with parmesan.  I put it on right after I scoop the mac n cheese into my bowl, that way it gets all melty.  Stir it in, too.  Don't just let it hang out on top. 

4.  You can always get a little wild and add sour cream or chicken.  

We like to eat our mac n cheese with Totino's Pizza, the little ones that are like a buck.  It is not healthy, but for three college girls, it is a very cheap, easy, delicious meal.  

Over the past six months, I have also learned how exciting it is to write and receive handwritten letters.  In February, a missionary I had grown close to was transferred to Greeley.  He got permission for me to send him letters.  He, unfortunately, can't send me letters back.  That is fine, and I still have had a lot of fun writing him letters.  During March and April, I met and got to know a guy named Jake.  He was getting ready to leave for his mission to Mexico City.  After he left, we started writing letters to each other.  (Just FYI, I am not writing only guys.  One sister missionary in the mission sends me weekly e-mails.)  I also got to know a missionary from England.  He became really sick here, and so they sent him to a mission in England a few weeks ago.  They thought that since they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, maybe it was environmental.  I wrote him after he left, and I just got my first letter from him today.  

He likes to call me Johanna, emphasis on the h sound.  I was super excited to get this today.  First, his letter was awesome.  But also, I have never gotten mail from England before.  Here is what I love about writing and receiving handwritten letters:

  • The anticipation is fun.  Usually, I hate waiting and I am incredibly impatient.  But I like the hope I get when I check the mail everyday, knowing there might be a chance that there is a letter from one of my friends.  
  • It is all kind of romantic.  And I am NOT talking about mushy, love romance.  I mean more like it is... what do I mean?  Like it is fanciful, I guess.  I think what I mean is that in this day and age, it has become impractical when it is so easy to e-mail, text, call, facebook, etc. someone. 
  • It is personal.  Don't get me wrong, I think you can say personal things in e-mails or phone calls.  But when it is handwritten, you have spent a certain energy and care into saying what you want to say.  I really like that handwritten letters can be signed.  The way you sign it can say a lot in and of itself, too.  A lot of times, I sign my letters like so:     ~JoannaGrace~
Lastly, my life ended a little bit on Saturday.  I saw the final Harry Potter movie with my sister Elissa.  

It. Was. So. AMAZING!  

I started reading the series when I was 9.  I am now 21.  Let us do the math.  For 12 years of my life,  I have invested time, love and energy into the books and movies.  That is more than HALF my life!  As I grew up, the books grew up with me.  It sounds stupid, but Harry and Ron and Hermione became my friends.  I have talked to other people my age, and they have said the same thing.  It is the end of an era.  At least I have the release of the DVD to look forward to now.  That day really will be the end of my life.  Here is a picture of how much Harry Potter has grown:

If only I had a side by side picture of me at eleven and twenty one.  Ok, obsessive Harry Potter moment temporarily over... until I see the movie again in an hour.  

PEACE OUT, Homiez!

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