Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dr. Who, craziness, and more craziness

This is the Eleventh Doctor.  If you have never heard of Dr. Who, then shame on you, and google it now, and then watch every episode of the new series at least twice.  Skip work, skip eating, skip showering, just watch it.  The Doctor has led me to discover just how insane I really am.  I love watching movies and television, but sometimes (ok, 99% of the time) I get too anxious to know what happens at the end.  I become so worried about the ending, I don't even watch the movie or show.  For example, I am a Bourne fan, and when Bourne Ultimatum came out, my boyfriend at the time and I went to see it.  I got so anxious about it, we left before the movie started.  So, it came out on dvd, I bought it, it stayed in its plastic for months, until I accidentally sold it to Plato's Closet.  It was years before I finally watched it. Most of the time though, I just wikipedia the ending.  You are probably saying, What?! You find out what happens at the end of a movie? What is the point of even watching it then?  I answer with this, I have no idea why, but I like to know what is going to happen, and I enjoy it more when I do.  But, I am crazier still.

I become so emotionally involved in the characters, that I hate to see them hurt or uncomfortable, and in danger, which in a show like Dr. Who is constant.  Because of this, even if I know what is going to happen in the end, and even if I know it will be alright, and the Tenth Doctor will just regenerate into the Eleventh Doctor, I still can't watch it.  I will watch trailers for it, and they will be so glorious and promising, but I won't actually watch the real thing.  

The trailer for the sixth season of Doctor Who is brilliant.  

If you actually watched it, good for you, and doesn't it just look amazing?  But, I am scared to watch it, because everything is changing, and becoming darker, and I fear the series is coming to an end.  I wish I could just have a normal excited anticipation (is that redundant?) for the sixth season.  Instead, I am worried that it won't be as amazing as the trailer, and that it will be the end, and that the Doctor will get together with River Song, and I really don't know how I feel about that.  (C'mon Doctor, have you entirely forgotten Rose?)

So, that is one of the crazier parts of my personality.  And really, go watch some Doctor Who, and start with the season with the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler.  


  1. Hmm, maybe Mike and I will have to get into this show over the summer. Don't judge me, but until you started talking about it I had never even heard of it.

  2. I didn't know about it until Zach started watching it one day. It is really ridiculous, but completely awesome.
