Friday, May 6, 2011

All My Possessions are Dying

I feel like all the stuff I own is starting to die, and will need to be replaced soon.  I am really attached to my stuff, and maybe this will be a lesson in, I don't know, not being as attached.  My dad said my car is getting old.  I love my car.  He (yes, he is a he) is a 2001 Pontiac Sunfire, silver, beautiful.  He is my baby.  I named him Orange Cream Smokecicle, or OCS, because when my dad first bought him, he smelled (Ok, Liss, is it smelled or smelt?) like smoke.  I got a orange creamcicle air freshner, and then, he just smelled like orange cream smoke.  Together, OCS and I have had some great memories.  Here are a few:

1.  When Dave and I took a road trip in OCS to Wheaton.  He got me to all that awesome Saga food, and of course, to visit Erin.
2. Finding out today that two of the Elders accidentally nicked it, just barely, then waxed away the mark a couple days later at HNS.  It happened a few months ago, but I just found out tonight.  I cracked up when they told me.  I also think it is hilarious that they thought I would notice one tiny scratch in the mess of scratches that litter my poor baby.  They said after they waxed it that they realized the shiny, clean spot was more noticeable than the nick.
3.  Driving with Meg to Greeley a week ago.  I introduced her to Mumford & Sons, and to my crazy side.  Just kidding, she already knew about my crazy side.
4.  Every single time I drive with my windows down and the music blasting in the summer.  Especially on a warm summer night.

A couple of weeks ago, the battery in my computer died.  Now my computer has to be constantly plugged in.  It is running slower and my memory is almost completely full.  My computer, or Pinky, came to me when I was seventeen.  I have watched countless movies and shows on him (all my objects are masculine, no matter how feminine they look) and typed many words on his keyboard.  But I fear his life is coming to an end.  I looked at the new Dell Inspirons in pink, which are the same kind as Pinky, and I think it may be necessary to buy one by the end of the summer.  Here are the nine main things (mostly internet things) I use my computer for:

1.  Facebook
2.  Netflix
3.  Wikipedia (LOVE!)
4.  IMDB
5.  Google
6.  Sporcle (Haven't heard of it? Go to it now.)
7.  Gmail
8.  Perciante Press
9.  iTunes

Lastly, my television is dying.  I am not as sad about this as the first two.  Probably because I never named it. It's even just an it.  But, since I was eighteen, it has pretty much been on a constant loop of the Harry Potter movies.  You see, the awesome thing about Harry Potter 4-6 on DVD is that after the movie ends, it goes back to the main menu, then after about two minutes, it starts the movie over again.  So, I used to just pop the movie in, and sleep with it on, and it would just run and run and run constant Harry Potter.  The DVD player doesn't work on it anymore, and it is huge (though, not as gargantuan as some I've seen.)  I probably won't take it when I move.  In January or so, I got the flu and felt like I was dying.  Zach put in HP for me, and I immediately felt better.  It sounds like I am really attached to Harry Potter, and I am, and this tv was what helped me watch HP over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.


  1. 1. It's smelled. I don't think smelt is a word.

    2. About the laptop, can you just replace the battery? Our battery is dying too, and the laptop is only two years old. I know this because Mike got it shortly after Kenley was born. I was too busy cuddling new baby to go with him, so I just told him to pick out whatever computer he wanted. I guess even 2 year is old in computer terms.

    3. Are you going to have to buy a new car?

    4. If you want a new TV you can have our old one. Or better yet, Erin and David's! Ours could also have a nickname with Smokey in it because when we got it, it was from an old guy who lived in a Housing Authority apartment. He smoked so much that there were nicotine stains all over the TV. We had to spend hours scrubbing it clean.

  2. I'd check into getting a new battery as well, and maybe a new memory card? Dad got a new battery for his work laptop and I think it only cost $25 or something.

    Don't get Erin and Dad's old TV. It weighs about a thousand pounds. Seriously.

  3. First of all, the gargantuan tv I was referring to was Erin and David's.

    Second of all, you put Erin and Dad's old tv.

    Third of all, I asked Christian, my coworker, who is an engineer if getting a new battery would help. He said no. Plus, I don't know where dad got his, but I looked at new batteries and they were like $80. Honestly, I think it would just be more worth it to get a new computer, because I want something reliable when I am in school, and Pinky is starting to be unreliable. Though maybe I could get like an external hard drive or something. I think a lot of the reason it runs slow is because the memory is just so full.

    Fourth of all, I don't want to have to get a new car. I think it will be fine for a few more years. Dad has taken pretty good care of it. I will probably have it looked at before driving out to Utah.

    Fifth of all, that is so nasty that the tv smelled like smoke. Sometimes we get donations where the plastic bags and the cans of food smell like smoke. I can't imagine living like that.

    Sixth of all, is smelt really not a word? Good to know.
