Thursday, May 5, 2011

I am not titling this, because I don't know what it will be about yet....

My coworkers and I have started taking little walks during our lunch hour.  It is very nice, and the sun gives us energy for the afternoon.  We also bond and share secrets and gossip.  Today, the caseworkers were at a conference or something boring like that, and my boss is on vacation, so I took a walk by myself.  First of all, while peaceful, not as much fun.  Second of all, I feel way weirder taking a walk by myself.  I think every car that passes me is judging the random girl walking.  Probably not, but that's how I feel.  There is a greenhouse behind my work, so I stopped inside and looked around.  Some lady thought I was an employee.  In her defense, the outfit I am wearing does sort of look garden-y.  Here is a picture....

I wasn't holding a watering can and a plant, though.  I just really got into character for this picture.  Thanks, Dad, for taking it for me.  Anyway, the greenhouse was really nice, and smelt like soil and flowers, and was so nice and warm and humid.  It was a nice break from the INSANE morning I had.  Like I said, my boss is out on vacation, so I was in charge of the food room.  We were absolutely slammed this morning.  It was sooo flipping busy.  But we got through the morning, even though one of the volunteers said she was never coming back.  (She was joking.  I think.  I hope.)  By the end of the morning, the shelves were bare of food baskets.  I started to freak out, because only one volunteer was scheduled to work in the afternoon.  I called two Elders and begged them (I didn't really have to beg) to come in and make food baskets.  They were my heroes for the day, and Elders of the Transfer (a new award I just made up today.  I am always thinking up awards for the volunteers.)   But, as it turned out, it was like dead this afternoon.  We spent the first two hours working (slowly).  The next half hour watching a slideshow of food room pictures on the computer.  And the last half hour closing up shop.  It was two extremes in one day.   The Elders and I also took an awesome picture, but I left it at work.  Maybe on Monday I will post it, cause they deserve their time in the spotlight via this blog for helping me out today.

Now, I can no longer spoil this beautiful day in this dark room, sitting in front of my computer.  I am off to read The Hunger Games.  But first, a picture of a lilac....

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