Friday, May 13, 2011

Moving Day

Ah, I am all settled in to my new place.  Well, almost.  I just have to hang up all my clothes.  Here is the situation.  I am living in a house in Fort Collins with two girls.  One is staying, one is leaving, and another girl is coming next week.  The lease is only until through July, so in August, I am going to pack up again, and head off for Utah.  Here are some pictures of Joanna's Big Fort Collins Adventure:

On Friday, I packed up my stuff at my Parents' house.  This is about a third of it.

My room.  A very flowery bed.  Also, there is a cool shelf above it.

Desk and chair, obviously.  My room would not be complete without James Dean.

The side of the house.  That dog, who coincidentally is named Riley, is leaving Sunday.

And the backyard.

All in all, I am pretty happy with my new digs.  Just holler if you want to come visit me.

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