Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hello, World!  I haven't written in a few days.  I have spent the past week really struggling with wanting to give in to my past addictions, namely alcohol.  It's ridiculous that I want to drink, because I have seen so many blessings in my life since giving it up.  I hate the person I become when I am drunk.  I hate the things I do and say, and I hate the way I feel.  And yet, I still crave it.  It has just been over 3 months since I had my last drink.  Here are the differences in my life that I have seen since giving it up:

1. I have not gotten sick.  I am not saying I won't ever get sick again, but this past winter, when I was drinking almost every night, I got the flu, a sinus infection, and pretty much just a constant cold.  I don't know if this is because I was drinking a lot, but I seem to be healthier when I don't drink.
2. I do not wake up hung over.  Although I have been having problems with my sleeping and because of that do not have a lot of energy, I still have more energy and healthy feelings than I did when I was spending my day hung over.
3. I don't do stupid things like I did when I would get drunk.  I am always able when sober to clearly make right decisions.  I still make wrong ones sometimes, but it is easier to make the right ones when I am sober.  I hope that makes sense.
4. I am saving money not buying a ton of alcohol.  That gets expensive after awhile.
5. I used to eat a lot of crap when I was drunk, and because of that, I gained a lot of weight.  I don't know if I really have lost any weight, but quite a few people have told me that I look thinner, and my skin looks clearer.

Maybe I should just carry this list around with me to help me remember NOT to drink.

In other news, last Monday I had an interview at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  At the end of the interview, the guy said, "I will call you Friday to tell you when orientation is."  Therefore, I thought I had the job.  Well, he didn't call Friday, but another lady there called this morning and said that they were not hiring.  UGH! I had already told a bunch of people I got a second job.  He should have said, "I will call you Friday to tell you if we are hiring you."  Or something along those lines.  But, no, he made it sound like I was getting the job.  I am frustrated.  I really want a second job.  I want to go to Utah with some money in my pocket.  So please pray that I can find another job.


  1. Joanna, I'm so proud of you and your beating of the drinking thing. Great job and keep it up! Oh and I will pray that you will get a second job for some extra moola. You're a beautiful, wonderful young lady. Love you so much, Dad

  2. Hey Jo - I know it must be hard right now. I'm very proud of you too. I know you can do this. I'll be praying for all your needs. Love you always!
