Monday, May 2, 2011

Forgiveness... Even for those who we think don't deserve it

When I made this blog in December, it was originally titled "Musings about religion, politics, life, etc."  I changed it because I HATE talking politics and thought that there would never come a day that I would write a post about anything remotely going on in the world of politics.  Ha, how wrong I was.  I just have one little musing about the death of Osama bin Laden.  It really has nothing to do with the politics of it, but the subject is one of the biggest political issues of the past decade. Here it is...

Last night as I was praying before bed, bin Laden came to my mind.  I asked God to be with those people who had lost family or friends in 9/11 or in the war on terror.  Then, I thought about forgiveness, and if I, had I lost anyone to bin Laden's acts of terrorism, could ever forgive him.  I immediately thought, never, he doesn't deserve forgiveness.  Once I thought that, I remembered how earlier that day at church, I had been thinking about how it doesn't matter what sins I have committed, or what sins some drug dealing gangster, for instance, has committed, we are both the same in that we are both sinners.  So, why would I deserve forgiveness anymore than bin Laden?  We both don't deserve it, and that is why we call what Jesus did for humankind, grace.  The difference now is that I have faith in that grace, unlike, I am sure we can all agree, bin Laden.

I hope no one who reads this thinks I am saying that it was ok for him to do the awful things he did.  Of course, I don't think that at all.  I truly hope that the families and friends who lost their loved ones can find closure in this ending.  And I am proud to say I am from the same country as the men and women who worked and fought so tirelessly to find this man.

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